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Products / Projects
Every successful product is the fruit of hard work, and this applies to every sector. Insight alone is not enough to create a product that will be loved and used by consumers. We at Intuition give Concreteness, Substance and above all Usability but above all we create Innovative Products.


In this window we offer our customers and partners the opportunity to directly purchase the product EPSON MOVERIO BT300 at a special price:

 409,00 Euro + Iva 

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Moverio BT-300: The real experience of Augmented Reality

The Moverio BT-300 uses the innovative Epson silicon based organic light emitting diode (OLED) technology, which makes it the clearest binocular viewer with OLED viewing on the market, with unparalleled image quality before now. So you can experience a really addictive Augmented Reality, thanks to the HD resolution and high contrast.


The Bodyscan is a system for detecting body data for applications in the fashion industry, and not only that can be applied effectively and simply for rapid 3D prototyping and for the creation of tailored suits. Possibility of wearing virtual clothes available in the store through an augmented virtual reality display, where the subject sees himself wearing the selected dress, verifying the degree of liking, and at the same time coupling it in a virtual way even with any accessories such as Shoes, Ties, Hats, Glasses, Bags, Necklaces, etc.
The process we present is based on the combination of use between an ultra-fast, precise and very versatile BODYSCANNER, and an augmented virtual reality display system displayed on Smart Glass.


The BodyScanner is able to acquire the anatomy of a body with great precision acquiring a cloud of points correlated and acquired at the same time from every point of view. In fact, the acquisition time is 1/10 of a second, and consists of 8 opposed cameras. The bodyscanner realized in this way does not need safety systems, lighting or particular obscurations, and therefore adapts perfectly to being easily integrated into the sales points and with standard test rooms that can take advantage of detailed designs depending on the type of store or context. The bodyscanner does not need for its operation of experienced personnel and above all it can work without the presence of an operator to supervise the acquisition of the measurements thanks to the simultaneous acquisition of the body from all sides, which allows in a fraction of a second to determine the correct posture of the acquired model, ensuring the goodness of the detection.


Our Bodyscan can be used effectively starting from large retailers up to the single commercial operation. In all areas the Bodyscan can be easily used as it does not require significant direct or indirect investments for management and use, and through the use in its structure, it is possible to guarantee an innovative service to its customers, from the simple determination of the size and the possible verification of the maintenance over time, the support to the wearability determining the Best Fit according to the selected clothing line, the automatic extraction of the measures for the adaptation of the garments, up to the packaging of the tailor-made or virtual test of clothes and accessories.


The SUNTV platform is designed to make it possible to connect in real time between Public or Private Subjects, with the people present in a specific place or area and also in movement within means of transport. to INFORM, ENTER, PROMOTE, PUBLISH, SELL services, events, products, etc.
Through the platform you can reach individual Users on their mobile devices "Smart Phone, Tablet, PC, Smart Glass" with HD video streaming services in real time that can convey the vision of Digital Terrestrial television channels, promotional messages or advertising, sponsor events of all kinds, without requiring the installation of AP or need for connections to the Internet or the mobile network.
Users can freely use the service by simply opening their Web Browser on which the SUNTV platform entry page will automatically be displayed, where through a very simple interface the services active at that time and in that area will be presented.


The SUNTV multimedia platform can offer all services / content directly on the most common Web browsers available in the mobile devices of Users as it performs in real time and in real time the transcoding of data that are then easily viewed in real time on the connected mobile devices. In fact, it is not necessary to wait for any delay to start viewing and is independent of the possible coverage of mobile networks.
Through SUNTV the following contents can be provided free or paid:
• HD Entertainment TV channels of Digital Terrestrial or SAT
• HD Video On Demand Entertainment
• Advertising with dedicated announcements and customer profiling
• Promotion
• Band without limits
• Wide coverage
• Video / Music
• eBooks, Newspapers, Magazines, local e-commerce


The main added value of the Platform is that currently there is no technology on the market that can deliver multimedia content in real time directly on the WebBrowser of mobile devices.
Furthermore the Platform is able to
1) To inform, entertain and put in communication the Users / Tourists through the promotions and the advertising messages with the local events, the promotions of the various economic operators.
2) To favor the local economy with the possibility of booking / acquiring services and products of the territory through the platform Example: E-Commerce of local products, tourist packages, etc.).
Thanks to the capillarity of users that can be reached by the services of the Platform everywhere, innovative e-commerce methods can be used and thanks to the catchment area users will beable to attract partnerships and sponsorships, realizations of promotional events with large brands and multinationals.


SMART BEACH is an omni-channel access and payment platform on micro-circuit for tourist areas, resorts, hotels and professional operators.
Thanks to many years of experience in the use of NFC technology in banking areas, it is now possible to offer the use of waterproof wristbands and NFC cards, or simply using their smart phones, which can be used to implement a new performance management today provided to tourists on the beach. This technology is ideal for assigning services and monitoring inputs / accesses, or the provision of specific services ensuring a very efficient service to the Tourist and implementing a centralized management of beach performances.The bracelets and cards can be customized with logos and writings from an aesthetic point of view and can be produced in various colors, while for smart phones, the platform is able to work on any smart phone.


The system is designed to standardize the entire management of the beach, giving the various actors who usually interact with the incoming Tourist, the ability to assign, control, revoke the services used during the holiday with centralized and shared methods, as all operators can assign services in real time by associating them with a bracelet to the card or to the smart phone by accessing a single management software interface. The bracelet, the card or the smart phone contain internally the photograph of the data assigned univocally to the customer making possible a whole series of iterations. management and verification of performance in real time and in every place.
Through the bracelets, the cards or the smart phone will be able to effectively manage the use of services on the entire coast even if managed by different subjects. In this way it will be possible to network and maximize the use and use of the services available as thanks to the bracelets to the cards or smart phones, it will be possible to univocally associate the Tourist with the services enabled, and to count the use and payment.


The bracelets cards and smart phones managed through the platform will be uniquely associated with the Tourist, the associated services, the period of stay, the structure in which he stays, the beach place and also any credit. These data will be visible and editable by all the operators enabled and visible by the tourist at any time and in any place. It is not necessary to enter sensitive data in the devices as the association is made upstream locally on the server of the operator who initialized the device.
The system is able to be used in very simple, widespread and everywhere, as it is compatible with most of the latest generation mobile devices on the market, through internet connection, and using a single user interface based on WEB application.
The technology we propose is able to support already now a whole series of methods of use that range from the possibility of being integrated also as a payment system, security, opening rooms, access control, and a whole range of additional services that they can be associated in an univocal, safe and protected manner to the Tourist, which make it certainly attractive to implement a centralized and generalized management to all the operators of the Beach ecosystem, making possible new economic and working iterations between the various interlocutors.


Thanks to the cooperation with NOOVO Technologies Inc., Innovare Srl is able to present the TVMAN Mobility media center which is a portable decoder through which it is possible to view the terrestrial digital channels on mobile devices without the need to connect antennas or connection cables simply using WiFi. It is therefore possible without connecting to the vehicular internet through a local WiFi network created directly by the media center, the TV signal or a VOD video streaming on the user's portable devices, whether computers, mobile phones or tablets or smart glass in an area with a radius equal to 8-10 meters from where the media center is located. The very compact media center, smaller than a cigarette box, is equipped with a removable stylus antenna that allows it to acquire digital terrestrial channels like any normal television, only that it can do it outdoors in full autonomy thanks to the battery of which it is equipped and above all without connecting to any antenna. Thanks to these features, TVMAN Mobility is a very versatile, efficient and user-friendly technological device.


Now technology allows us to take advantage of our entertainment and pastimes everywhere and TVMAN Mobility allows those who can not do without the favorite TV programs, do not want to miss even a chapter of his favorite TV series or the latest news of the moment talent simply using the media center that without any need for streaming allows you tosee your TV programs outdoors without geographical limitations whenever you want, where you want and how many times you want.All the systems or offers available on the market provide for the streaming of contentthat allows you to watch movies, series, programs and sporting events using the internet and therefore to pay both the subscription fee and the rate plan of your mobile service provider.TVMAN Mobility has no additional cost and can be used anywhere even abroad, with no need for connections or service costs.With TvMan Mobility you can finally watch TV on your smartphone or tablet, even when you are away from home, wherever you go and wherever you are:
  1. Camping
  2. Camper
  3. Curtain
  4. Boat
  5. Park
  6. Beach
  7. Pool
  8. Wherever you want!
TvMan is perfect to be always with you, as it is smaller than a pack of cigarettes and thanks to its lithium battery guarantees you over 4 hours of viewing!


Connecting TVMAN Mobility to yoursmartphone is simple. Simply connect theTvMan to your smartphone by selecting the available WiFi network made available by the Media Center, then select the AP that allows you to sintonize channels and watch TV. TVMAN is equipped with anautomatic channel tuning procedure, which in a few seconds allows you to view the available channels in HD, in the area where you are, on the Smartphone, Tablet, PC or Smart Glass.
TVMAN Mobility as mentioned is also a media center becausethanks to the SD card, can become the perfect way to save your favorite files, such as: photos, videos, music and anything you want to access and view them from your smartphone and from the tablet.
The TVMAN Mobility is aportable decoder equipped with an internal lithium battery that allows an autonomy of 4 hours in the absence of power and can be powered via a MicroUSB port, compatible with all mobile phone chargers, and also has an antenna integrated stylus and an antenna socket that can be connected to a very compact, high performance external passive antenna that allows optimal reception in all conditions, even inside buildings.
TVMAN Mobility is able to transmit the digital terrestrial TV signal to an external device, and up to 8 devices simultaneously in the case of streaming digital contents stored in the SD Card present inside.
The 8 devices will be able to enjoy the multimedia contents available in a completely autonomous and independent VOD-Video on Demand.


Canale Amico is an integrated ICT service for the Audio / Video connection between healthcare and residential care facilities for seniors or patients / users at home.
Thanks to Canale Amico it is possible to implement many support activities for patients / seniors that can currently be carried out exclusively at health or residential facilities, directly at the patient's home, simply using TV, an appliance that is easy to use and widely diffused at the the domiciles of patients / users.
The healthcare worker can be connected in real time with the patients through a dedicated workstation installed on a personal computer, realizing single or extended sessions for up to 10 patients simultaneously, for interviews, answering questions and needs of nursing staff performing home activities. , carry out training sessions, animation, entertainment, gymnastics, etc.
Canale Amico is in fact able to connect in any audio / video public or private structure with patients '/ users' homes simply using TV.
Users comfortably from their home simply turning on their TV will have the opportunity to see and listen to the instructions of their doctor of a health care provider or just their family, who at a distance can make audio video sessions in real time in high definition using a personal computer.


Canale Amico is able to put in communication 1 doctor or health worker with a maximum of 10 contemporary patients, each domiciled at home and in real time. All connected patients will see the healthcare professional, while the operator has a console available to view and manage multiple patients at the same time. The operator can select in real time how many patients can be connected at the same time, who to enable to start a two-way communication, who will be able to view an entertainment video, ect. In practice it has the full freedom and availability to manage the audio video content that can be transmitted on every single TV of the connected patients.The patient accesses the Amico Channel service by switching on his TV, the one that is usually used to watch TV channels, using the remote control. Once the TV is switched on, the system is waiting for the connection with the doctor / operator, displaying on the TV an informative message waiting for the connection. When the doctor activates the session, the camera will be activated, and the patient will have immediate evidence as the content reproduced on his TV will be updated with the vision of the doctor present at the health facility.


The added value of Canale Amico for patients / elderly and the fact that from your home without any need to move using your TV you can get in touch with a person outside it is a family member, a doctor a health care provider for receive assistance or simply to communicate. This allows to eliminate barriers, increase the levels of assistance and help, decrease the isolation, ensuring the ability to support / monitor daily activities.
For the Amico Channel health facilities it can become a formidable assistance tool to reduce management costs, increase the quality of services, and at the same time widen the number of patients. Canale Amico can also be used to implement new home care practices and methodologies to relieve congested services at hospitals or hospitals, and to guarantee a widespread nursing home service with very low costs, as it is possible to strongly limit the personal, eliminate travel and all related costs and having the ability to provide a service that has no limits as regards the catchment area, and above all being able to reach users without geographical limitations anywhere and especially at home.


Thanks to the cooperation with Apeiron Srl Innovare Srl is able to present the Smart Mountain platform.To this end, the team of Apeiron, with twenty years of experience in the field of security andtelecommunications in the industrial, automotive and banking sectors, has designed and implemented a newomni-channel communication technology able to meet the stringent requirements of the GDPR,BankIT 285 and PCI-DSS, the NIS directive and ISO 27001: a solution thatstructurallystrengthensthe security of IT systems and networks, ensuring a high level user experience.This new technology allows any user, through a common smartphone, to establishinstant, secure and bidirectional connections without using either Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or4G mobileconnections oreven the NFC.This is an omni-channel solution able to operate with great flexibility in different contexts,using hardware devices already available in computers and smartphones on the market:
Once the app, the customer, the prospect has been downloaded and activated, the employee can access all the systems andservices provided by the company with a unique User Experience that combines the flexibilityof wireless communication with the experience and security of proximity contactless technologies(eg NFC cards), but without additional hardware.No a priori configuration is necessary to establish communication: the user uses the app tobring his smartphone closer to the other device and the communication is establishedautomatically without any additional intervention. You do not need to pair (aswith Bluetooth) or access a Wi-Fi hot spot, even mobile.


This technology ensures a unified user experience, independent of the device and themeans of communication used, combining the security of contactless proximity communications withthe flexibility of wireless ones.In addition to applications that can be implemented through software solutions, the same technology can beapplied to hardware payment devices such as vending machines,automaticcashmachines, access systems, turnstiles, parking lots and in many other cases.


Smart Mountain is the first software platform able to revolutionize the use of mobile devices for extremely simple and intuitive management of the services provided by the tourist resort. The tourist can consult the platform select the services available, make reservations, payments, use it as a sky pass etc.
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